

Elf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Male Character Portrait




March 11, 2018

"We have no nation, no philosophy, no ideology. We go where we're needed, fighting not for country, not for government, but for ourselves. We need no reason to fight. We fight because we are needed. We will be the deterrent for those with no other recourse. We are soldiers without borders, our purpose defined by the era we live in."

Big Boss

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City Placement


  • Food Plots Wood Plots Clay Plots Iron Plots Stone Plots What To Build At This Location
    7 5 5 3 5 cavalry, scout, spy, trade, geomancer, runemaster, jungle, desert
    7 5 5 5 3 cavalry, archers, spearmen, scout, thief, jungle
    7 5 3 5 5 archers, infantry, assassin, arctic
    7 3 5 5 5 spearmen, infantry, assassin, runemaster, arctic, desert 




Hunting Examples

The Rookie Special. 3-5 t1 human chariot commanders (plains spear, plains leather or vanguard leather, heavy warhorse), 60 t1 cavalry. Spectacular for hunting on plains, and for teaching all basic attack skills.

The Stalwart Slam. 3-5 t2 dwarf stalwart commanders (war axe, terrain armor or overpadded chainmail, riding horse), 150 axemen or 60 stalwarts. The war axe gives a +60% everywhere for dwarves, and the riding horse compensates for the axe and the stalwart's slow speed compared to the axemen. Great in forests and buildings, good on hills and plains.

Fist of Fury. 3-5 t2 orc fist commanders (terrain sword, terrain chain/plate or overpadded chainmail, riding horse), 150 fangs. Similar to the stalwarts above, with the advantage of fast build times on orc fangs.

Unseen Arrows. 3-5 t2 elven trueshot commmanders (hunting bow, animal scale armor, riding horse), 100 sentinels. Absolutely fatal on mountains and hills, good on plains. A little rough in forests. Very cost effective because sentinels are so cheap.

Cavalry standard. 3-5 t2 cavalry (plains spear or boar spear, plains armor or overpadded chainmail, heavy warhorse), 60 cavalry. Pretty much the standard issue plains hunting force for humans and elves. Orcs and dwarves tend to use it less, as their cavalry isn't quite as good, and they have a stronger advantage for infantry.

Stubborn Mules. 3-5 t2 dwarf Runerider commanders, (boar spear, overpadded chainmail, dwarven battle mule), 60 rune riders. Apparently this configuration is good for hunting on hills, and can even be used on mountains. I personally find it ridiculous, but to each their own.

Ok, cannon fodders, what have we learned today?

  • Nobody attacks with spears.
  • Spears have terrible bow defense.
  • Bows defend better than they attack.
  • Infantry is a flexible attacker.
  • Nothing beats attacking cavalry on plains.
  • Cavalry sucks at defense.
  • Most unit types are equivalent across the races.
  • t2 spears are superior to t1 spears for production.
  • t2 infantry is superior to t1 infantry for production.
  • t1 bows are mostly equivalent to t2 bows for production.
  • t2 cavalry is superior to t1 cavalry for production, BUT...


  • Elven marshals are the best cavalry in the game.
  • Sentinels are just as good as trueshots.
  • t2 infantry is the best attacker on all terrains except plains.
  • t2 infantry beats bows on all terrains.
  • Most spear units are lame at infantry defense.
  • Stalwarts and fangs are particularly vicious.
  • Infantry is only adequate at defending buildings and forests.
  • Kobolds are little monsters.
  • The backbone of any proper siege camp is kobolds and sentinels.
Attack Commanders and Troops

Commander Skill Troops Notes
t2 cavalry Charge t1 or t2 cavalry Standard cavalry attack army
t2 infantry Bloodlust t1 or t2 infantry Standard infantry attack army.
t2 bow Concentrated Fire t1 or t2 bow Standard bow attack army.

Defense Commanders and Troops
Commander Skill Troops Notes
t1 cavalry Square Formation t1 and t2 spears Classic anti-cavalry defense combination.
t1 bow Tortoise Formation t1 and t2 bows Maximizes the high ranged defense of archers. Typically used as the bow defense component of a larger siege camp.
t1 sword Interlocked Shields t1 and t2 bows
t2 and t2 spears
Used in forest and building battles where enemy infantry attacks are highly effective. Also used when the enemy favors dwarf stalwarts.
t1 sword Interlocked Shields t1 and t2 swords Useful in forests, very powerful in buildings. Helpful against stalwarts. Typically used for the sword defense component of a larger siege camp.