

Human Female
Human Female Character Portrait

The interesting storys that one will never find the truth for


who truly runs the illytimes

kind complements

[01:54]<Pwillick> lol i was gonna say... there was only one crazed anime lunatic i remember

the history of lawn gnomes

[00:52]*Dakota pulls out storybook titled 'history of the lawn gnome'

[00:53]<White Willow> lol

[00:53]*BillCipher sits down by Dakota and listens*

[00:53]<Dakota> chapter 1, the lawn gnome has a rich and interesting history, starting from the common rock used to throw at neighbors

[00:54]<Dakota> later this rock was sharpened in order to cause more damage

[00:54]<Tiro> *Sits n listens intently as Dakota reads*

[00:54]<Dakota> in some cases hunters used them for spear or arrows, in other cases they left them on thier lawn to serve as a warning to others

[00:54]<White Willow> curls up next to tiro and listens

[00:56]<Dakota> later in the renissaince era it was decided a sharp and pointy rock lying about was intimidating

[00:56]<Dakota> thus they made them human-esque with demonic grins, to show the evilness they can still do

[00:57]<Dakota> even though the stone has long been replaced with clay, they have yet to lose thier vicious, and dangerous appeal, to all who keep one in thier yard, behind them... lies a gnome hurler!

[01:00]*Dakota puts book away

[01:01]*Dakota looks over the sleeping audience 'thank you for listening'

[01:01]<Tiro> Zzzzzzzzzzzz....huh??

[01:02]<Tiro> ...what a nice reading...

Seige Targets

[16:35]<Lord Stanley> Not sure about everyone in RL, but I can def think many who I would not mind grouping together to siege. Congress, both federal and states, the 2 current nominees for president, eyc. That is juts here in US. Have several candidates in other coutries as well.

When in doubt, Blame White Willow

[11:36]<White Willow> tosses glady a donut

[11:37]<Gladiola> ohhhh boston cream...yumy

[11:37]<White Willow> wiggles his ear at willd

[11:37]<Willd> i dont have any doughnuts

[11:37]<Willd> i swear!

[11:37]<Dakota> ive never tried earl grey, can i have some?

[11:38]<White Willow> tosses a donut to willd elf

[11:38]<Dakota> WW wild isnt a cop

[11:38]<Willd> hehehehehe

[11:38]<Willd> can i be?

[11:38]*Gladiola pours tea for Eowan, Dakota, and Darvin

[11:38]<White Willow> wiggles his ear at dakota

[11:38]<Willd> i like handcuffs >.>

[11:38]<White Willow> lol

[11:38]<Willd> the fuzzy ones ^.^

[11:38]*Dakota hands willd a cup of coffee


[11:39]<Willd> wooot!

[11:39]<Eowan The Short> thanks!

[11:39]<Willd> ill be wired in no time!

[11:39]<Dakota> congrats, you now have all the responsibility a cop does

[11:39]<Willd> LMAO

[11:39]<Dakota> sitting in a cop car, with a cup of joe, with a box of donuts

[11:40]<Willd> eeeewww

[11:40]<Willd> i not drinking joe >.>

[11:40]<Willd> XD

[11:40]<Dakota> fine

[11:40]<Dakota> how about some frank?

[11:40]<Willd> LMAO

[11:40]<Willd> LOL

[11:40]<Willd> i was thinking george

[11:40]<Willd> XD

[11:40]<Dakota> well gee george....

[11:41]<Willd> LOL

[11:42]<White Willow> as you wander through life whatever be your goal keep your eye on the donut and not the hole

[11:42]<Willd> hmmm if we mix joe an we get corn dogs?/

[11:42]<Dravin the Sloth> ?

[11:43]<Dakota> no, we get frankburgers

[11:43]<Gladiola> CORN DOGS!!!

[11:43]*Dravin the Sloth obviously missed something

[11:43]<Willd> LMAO

The reason i dont drive

[23:02]<Dakota> heinz doofinshmirtz, do you attest that you take this drivers test of your own free will?

[23:02]<White Willow> ??

[23:02]*IKnights is laughing very hard*

[23:03]<Paul> well of course, cause that is the best way to laugh

[23:03]<Lady Castilla> can i ask guys only for food? dont send me other res, only food pls

[23:03]<Dakota> 'yes'

[23:03]<IKnights> Yes

[23:04]*Dakota zooms camera out, showing they are on a mountain peak*

[23:04]<Dakota> you may go!

[23:04]<White Willow> by the way lady you can store an unlimited amount of gold

[23:05]<Lady Castilla> thanks

[23:05]<White Willow> your welcome

[23:05]<Lady Castilla> what, gold is unlimited?

[23:05]<White Willow> the storage of it

[23:06]<IKnights> Wait wait wait! I'm not ready! Let me psych myself up, just a little, breathing exercises. Then I'll go, ok right. (starts breathing)

[23:06]<Dakota> we have a choker!

[23:06]<White Willow> waves bye to iknights

[23:06]*Dakota watches billy goat ram the vehicle off the mountain summit*

[23:07]<IKnights> AHHHHHH!!!!

[23:08]<Eye Of Chaos> Soundslike a truck pick-up truck commercial

[23:09]*IKnights drives a car all crazy everywhere while doing ridiculous stuff*

[23:09]<Eye Of Chaos> again

[23:10]*IKnights tumbles through the air and lands by Dakota*

[23:10]<Eye Of Chaos> Actually Dakota sounds like the name of a pick-up truck

[23:10]<IKnights> I think I did ok.

[23:10]<ShortHammer> Dodge truck named after an indian tribe

[23:11]<ShortHammer> Possibly with a side trip via a couple of sttates

[23:12]<Eye Of Chaos> aka the Dakotas

[23:13]<Dakota> ok back

[23:13]<Dakota> Turn! Yield! Halt! If you fail you'll know who's at fault

[23:14]<Dakota> Avoid vehicular assault As you're doing ze Drusselstein Driving Test Valtz

[23:14]<Dakota> Gas! Shift! Brake! (ooh...) Drinking coffee's a big mistake

[23:14]<Eye Of Chaos> lol

[23:14]<Dakota> Try not to plunge into ze lake Ven you're doing ze Drusselstein Driving Test Valtz (Driving Test Waltz)

[23:15]<Dakota> Use two hands when you steer her Then check in ze mirror

[23:15]<System> ** News Flash: Biff's sprawling city of The Rust is now under siege by Solanar's [YARR!] legendary city of The Safehouse

[23:15]<Dakota> Vat you see may be nearer Don't lay on ze horn!

[23:15]<Dakota> See ze traffic cop bossing Pedestrians crossing

[23:15]<Dakota> Never drive ven you're flossing You'll wish you vwren't born!

[23:15]<Dakota> Belt yourself Only vay to protect your health

[23:16]<Dakota> Leave your friends all your hard-earned wealth If you croak ven you're boldly embarking

[23:16]<Dakota> And parallel parking And acing ze written- Look out for that kitten!

[23:16]<Dakota> No time for high-fiving You're barely surviving The dangerous Drusselstein Driving Test Valtz!

[23:17]<IKnights> I think I did ok

[23:17]*Dakota closes curtain, ending scene

Pandas shouldnt get hugged...

[18:55]<Gladiola> I spoke of consent so i will apologize to Mad Panda I believe i hugged him without his concent

[18:55]<StealthDemolitionist> hello GC

[18:55]<Gladiola> hello

[18:56]<Duran Shadowfist> Mad Panda just attacked one of his neighbors in a rage of being hugged.

[18:56]<Duran Shadowfist> I'll make sure he attaches a memorandum to contact you for reparations

I now own a lifeless

[23:56]<IKnights> I might sell Lifeless, now that he is silent...

[23:56]<Dakota> ill offer 4000 saddles for lifeless

[23:57]<IKnights> hmmm

[23:58]<IKnights> How about 3000?

[23:58]<Dakota> 1500

[23:58]<IKnights> 800 herbs.

[23:58]<Dakota> half a gold!

[00:00]<IKnights> Hmm, half a gold is way too much...

[00:01]<IKnights> half a mud pie

[00:01]<Dakota> a qaurter piece of dirt

[00:03]<IKnights> A pebble

[00:03]<Dakota> a thought

[00:03]<IKnights> a line of ink

[00:04]<Dakota> a lack of common sense and morality

[00:04]<IKnights> Pure follishness

[00:04]<Knight of Ancients> Sounds like me Dakota

[00:04]<IKnights> foolishness*

[00:04]<Dakota> deal iknights!

[00:05]*IKnights gives Lifeless over to Dakota*

How to deal with annoyances

[17:15]<Fiona> Selling whats not yours seems fun

[17:16]<G. Rhomm> Hello,GC


[17:16]<Wartow> It was my idea first, Fiona.

[17:16]<Lifeless> Fi

[17:16]<Lifeless> We should do it

[17:16]<Fiona> Im to busy

[17:16]<Lifeless> Selling Bashful

[17:16]<Lifeless> 100m

[17:16]<Wanderess> thank you Wartow

[17:16]<Bashful> It's a booming business

[17:16]<Lifeless> Bashful is no longer SkB

[17:17]<Lifeless> He is mine

[17:17]<Dakota> lifeless

[17:17]<Lifeless> Hi

[17:17]<Dakota> i offer 50 mil

[17:17]<Lifeless> Sold

[17:17]<Bashful> Send the gold to l please.

[17:17]<Lifeless> Send to closest city

[17:17]<Lifeless> No Bashfu;

[17:17]<Dakota> the seige engines will move within the hour, ty lifeless

[17:17]<Lifeless> You hold no power now

Politics with australians

[11:16]<Dakota> negan its all your fault

[11:16]<Negan> ...wait what did i do

[11:17]<Dakota> you made a economic gap between social classes, and inspired a spongy haired moron to follow in your footsteps

[11:17]<Negan> Ww

[11:17]<Negan> wow*

[11:17]<Negan> I'm great

[11:18]<Dakota> ill trade either of you for another fdr anyday

[11:18]<Negan> Fdr?

[11:20]<Dessembrae> Roosevelt

[11:22]<Negan> Gotcha Dess, thank you
