

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait

Apaxy:  #/World/Map/688/-341


Less bark, more woof.

My life is not as exciting as Sergito or Belthezar.  I was born in Lucerna, near the Middle Kingdom, and I have lived near there since.  I used to have a place in Qarrossian.  I work hard, and ask my people to work hard.  I was a proud Irish Dark Blight.

My dogs are magical.  They are fleet, strong, and elegant, and they fly.  They have winged feet, like Hermes, only they have twice as many, and so are even swifter.  They have hearts that are strong and large.  They will defend me to death.  They stay by my side, always.  Together we are quite a brace.  I will try my best to tell their story, because they are the story of me.

Badgers eat the snake,
Shrugging off the poison bite,
Having napped awhile.

Zoe: Captain will come up with a plan.
Kaylee: Well, that's good.
Zoe: Possible you're not recalling some of his previous plans
-- Firefly, Safe, 2002

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"
-- Dr. Strangelove

Belthazor, my Cap'n,
Dark Blight under Nokigon,
I was a footguard.
