Tubana (Pending Deletion)
Human Male
The founder of the Medieval Knights known as a human male but many believe it not quite so. Ruthless in his quest to dominate, his insatiable hunger drives him farther and farther on. He welcomes those foolish enough to attack his realm. His cities and his armies seem to know no limits to their growth. His influence spreads through out the realm. Those who join him, share in the wealth and bask in shared glory. Those who appose him are destined to remain surfs, if they live at all. Join, pay tribute or suffer the consequences. The choice is yours.
The founder of the Medieval Knights known as a human male but many believe it not quite so. Ruthless in his quest to dominate, his insatiable hunger drives him farther and farther on. He welcomes those foolish enough to attack his realm. His cities and his armies seem to know no limits to their growth. His influence spreads through out the realm. Those who join him, share in the wealth and bask in shared glory. Those who appose him are destined to remain surfs, if they live at all. Join, pay tribute or suffer the consequences. The choice is yours.