

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait  i do have good ideas sometimes, honest.

[06:55]<Jane DarkMagic> There once was nikon the blamed, but twas poor epi he framed. Nikon declared all their wars and then found it a bore until epi rage quit and flamed.


[04:52]<System> ** News Flash: BlameNikon (Abandoned)'s growing hamlet of Pictorb is now under siege by Nikon's [mCrow] legendary city ofCapcom


Ellie [MOON] has removed you from their friends list.    THE worst day in my illy life so far


Goods arrived from Luna (MoonsDarkside)
Sent By: System
Received By: Nikon [T?]
Date: 28 Jun 2012 03:13
20 Caravans delivered:

15000 15000 15000 15000

Cause luna loved me damnit!! :D

Nikons most HATED food list: Cabbage. Creamed Corn. Cream of anything soup. Beets. Seafood. Paella. Chickpeas. Diseased roasted birds (pigeon). Cherries (except as blackforest whatever and with coconut as cherry ripe). Avocado. Ginger. Escargot. Ginger beer. Halal meat. entrails of any description except for blood pudding stuff. chikfila (cause of ellieshoes peoples hatred or something). Cheese out of a can. weiners out of a can. lettuce in sandwiches or burgers. 

i adhere by the 10 square rule......and would ask that you do the same....i can be lenient and let you settle closer, but you would have to ask me first so that we can hash out a deal to do so. Also, any harvesting of my own kills or NPC's in those 10 squares will be dealt with.

[04:47]<Deo Volente> Death my Snoo Snoo!

[03:35]<Queen Bikini> Tackles Fiona and makes out with her

[03:07]<Martilicious> Nikon! You were right!

[03:18]<Fiona> But Nikon is right.


Jane DarkMagic> i was a prop

Jane DarkMagic> so i supported hookers

[00:28]<Kodabear> lol depends on how bi they are at the time

[18 Sep 02:39]<Ellieh> blamenikon isn't an alliance. its a way of life

[02:39]<CodyTheBard> Shall I tell you a tale of #Nikon the Blamed, of the towns and his villas, the peasants ashamed, through foul weather and harvests so bad, their ruler of rulers had cracked the sad..

[05:46]<.Mjölnir.> your wand is limp and I have cheese and crackers!

[01:57]<Octavion> I root all tampa teams

[21 May 04:26]<Urp!> I'll go $1, but you have to get them lined up. I figure I can do 15 miles of **** a day.

[02:53]<Dragon Rideer> Sa'belle you are a bully to all MCrows

[03 Apr 05:33]<Urp!> Yeah, but that's probably from the University of Melbourne, a dubious institution set up by the gay liberal elites to make fallacious arguments against Episcience

[05:24]<Terra Bull> Epi is showing a little too much interest in certain parts of Sir Angus's anatomy for my comfort

01:15]<Artefore> stephen hawking should make a techno album

[03:59]<Flavius Aetius> I'm a pretty princess

[06:03]*Subatoi snuggles

[05:57]<Rill> welcome to Illy, scum

03:37]<Rill> Nikon is most accommodating and thus very popular with the ladies

[06:40]<CampusGator> I'm a dude but I wear the outfit of the female elves... just because it think it is HAUGHT

[07:27]<tansiraine> come on newbies!! i have goodies!

[07:14]<Kafka the Fireclown> hahah Nikon! you should be famous for having photo shoots with your alt

[00:48]<Sa'Belle> Just please put my bra back where you found it this time

[06:31]<Kinesis> I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me  <-----she (he) said it!

[@i=6|6|<iframe frameborder='0' scrolling='no' width='215px' height='320px' src=''></iframe>]

[06:04]<Vibs> the rainbows and zero figured ones are all anorexic rhinos who ave been contracted by Kin's modelling agency

00:30]<Sisren> halo 4 is wimpy compared to Crono Trigger...

[00:33]<MicroMe> Nik "cradle of life" fits in between the boobies and boners

[03:48]<Ithilwien> but i prefer nuts

[03:52]<Ithilwien> and anything covered in chocolate is worth eating, btw

[04:44]<Kinesis> you could have a baby and raise it while stuck in traffic in india

[01:54]<Jenevieve> Yo Mamma so fat, when she rolled, it was as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced

[02:10]<Soldier of the Cross> I wish I could be more like Nikon

[02:10]<Soldier of the Cross> He is most awesome!

[04:56]<Lwyllyn> spooning leads to forking... always use a condiment! [06:03]

