
Malek (Abandoned)

Orc Male
Orc Male Character Portrait


The Original Desert Orc. 

I have played and enjoyed this game for many years. Alas, I think it is time to depart ways with a game that I have devoted significant time into. I learnt a lot in my journey and dished out a lot of shit as well. 

Malek / He-Man


GM ThunderCat> @Malek I think that's a new high for number of troops on a square; should be all good now though


Mariabronne: vic should be able to handle a tiny alliance like sin. if they are not able to, they better disband themselves andf join FAIRY

[24 Sep 03:46]<Varvara> lmao oh geeze

[24 Sep 03:46]<Varvara> you like kary perry?

[24 Sep 03:46]<He-Man> she rang up looking for an invite

[24 Sep 03:46]<Varvara> katy

[24 Sep 03:46]<He-Man> katy perry, sure she has beautiful blond hair

[24 Sep 03:47]<Varvara> ? shes blonde now?

[24 Sep 03:47]<He-Man> she's always been blonde

[24 Sep 03:47]<Varvara> she had black hair

[24 Sep 03:47]<He-Man> she did? oh, never looked that high



[07:59]<Ariseth> Rule 57: He-Man is, in fact, the master of the Illyverse


[03:28]<He-Man> ha ha i beat the spam filter

[03:28]<Rill> don't spam

[03:28]<AmosCB> watch out frank could get spammed LoL

[03:28]<Rill> Rikoo doesn't like it

[03:28]<Varvara> dork 

[03:29]<GM Rikoo> You didn't beat the spam filter.

[03:29]<He-Man> dams


[03:29]<Varvara> hahaha ty chris

[03:29]<System> **** You have been silenced until 11APR14 04:29 ****


[01:51]<Lifeless> Mona is on a rampage *takes note mona is another he-man

[01:52]<Bytebak> There is only one He-Man


[19 Oct 01:12]<

Stukahh> Pretty sure HeMan tucks it back, but that is a different story...

[19 Oct 01:13]<Janadorf> that's just because it's too big


[12:13]<Captain Kindly> He-Man mocks in wars, he does not do mock wars 


Cos Stukahh opened his trap;

[01:41]<Falen> Hi He-Man I was told you are an expert at military. What the secrete to a town being able to have a large number of mitary units it can remake quickly if need be

[01:42]<Stukahh> Falen, pls do not inflate his ego anymore

[01:42]<Lifeless> He-Man is more than a expert, he is the master

[01:42]<Angrim> a master of the universe.

[01:42]<Lifeless> yes he is

[01:42]<Lifeless> [07:59]<Ariseth> Rule 57: He-Man is, in fact, the master of the Illyverse



Tips from the Master;

[05:47]<Rill> sometimes a strategy is to reduce the population of a city but not raze it

[05:48]<Rill> that means the player can't build another new city elsewhere



[08:01]<Hucbold> Has anyone ever seen a siege land and start firing immediately?
[08:01]<Mistery> lord I hate it when my train is canx'd as it means I could have stayed in bed for 30mins more and had breakfast and coffee at home
[08:01]<theWrathful> i started yesterday...
[08:01]<Hucbold> It happened me today
[08:01]<Mistery> no
[08:01]<Thorin Oakenshield> sure you weren't hit by a siege train? There were a LOT of armies hitting your city.
[08:02]<Mistery> you don't need to join an alliance straight away
[08:02]<Mog> no huc the Wrathful use GC as your starting point its to early to join an alliance your safe you will not be attacked
[08:02]<Smoking GNU> wrath, hang out in GC a bit. find some people you'd like to hang with, then ask them for an invite
[08:02]<Smoking GNU> we don't hit newbies
[08:03]<Hucbold> according to the siege page bombardment begins at 15:00 but I already have been bombarded
[08:03]<Mog> we help them grow and anything you need to know can be answered in GC
[08:03]<Thorin Oakenshield> sounds like a siege train to me Huc
[08:03]<Smoking GNU> indeed
[08:04]<Hucbold> What is a siege train?
