Dwarf Male
Few | 1-3 |
Handful | 4-8 |
Several | 9-21 |
Pack | 22-81 |
Many | 82-128 |
Gathering | 129-227 |
Horde | 228-462 |
Throng | 463-815 |
Host | 816-2,500 |
Legion | 2,501-9,999 |
Myriad | 10,000-24,999 |
Sea | 25,000-49,999 |
Cornucopia | 50,000-Inf |
For every man their is a cuase they would glady die for
defend the right to have a place for which they can belong to.
And every man will fight with his bare hands in desperation
And shed his blood to steam the flood, to barcade invasion