
Rhylet [RHYL]

Founded By:sn0w Founded On:28MAY12 14:19


Rhylet is the training alliance of Rhyagelle. It is located in the same area of the map as it's mother alliance, namely in Meilla, Keppen and Lan Larosh.

The same rules apply as in Rhyagelle:

Members of Rhylet are prohibited from conducting hostile diplomatic or military actions against any member of any alliance unless during a time of war. Violation of this policy may put other members of Rhylet or Rhyagelle at undue risk, and violators may face external and internal consequences. Members are also discouraged from conducting such actions against active, unaffiliated players, but not expressly prohibited. No member shall siege an active player without discussion with leadership and a clear outline of their reasons for wishing to do so.

After 14 consecutive days of inactivity, members are subject to being removed from the alliance, sieged for alliance acquisition, or simply farmed. If such a player returns and intends to remain active, members of Rhylet will help in restoring what was lost during farming, but conquered towns may not be returned. Members are strongly encouraged to notify leadership when planning to be away from Illyriad for any appreciable (7 days or more) period of time.

For questions regarding recruitment, or to request an invitation, please contact Gurth or HetmandD

For questions about foreign relations, please contact Gurth or HetmanD.


New members, if located far from the core of the alliance, are asked to relocate or exodus their cities to a more advantageous position.


Valdar: From the Old Tongue; meaning "Guardian".

Aman: From the Old Tongue; meaning "Dragon".

Hailene: From the Old Tongue; meaning "Forerunners", or "Those Who Come Before".

Aiel: From the Old Tongue; meaning "dedicated".
