
The Liberation [HEAT]

Founded By:halliver the 3 (Abandoned) Founded On:26JAN12 16:43

The Liberation


Alliance Purpose

The Liberation is an alliance based upon co-operation for the mutual benefit of all members. It was established to provide a friendly environment to help new inhabitants of Elgea find their way and build a co-operative framework to allow all members to flourish along their chosen path.



Applications will not be considered while an applicant is flagged as 'under protection'.

Applications will not be considered by any player who is currently at war with or participating in hostile activities towards another player.

Members are expected to be active within the The Liberation. Members who have been inactive for more than 30 days may be removed at the discretion of the leadership. If you expect to be away for an extended period, let the leadership know so that you are not 'kicked'.

Members with a population below 1000 will receive help with basic and advanced resources. If you are in need of anything, please ask in alliance chat for what you need and we'll do our best to provide it. If there is nobody currently logged on, please send a mail to a member of the leadership team and we'll act upon it as soon as possible.



The following rules are applicable to all members of The Liberation.


  1. No member is to declare war or perform any hostile actions upon any other player without the authorisation of the alliance

  2. Members have the right to defend themselves against ANY hostile actions

  3. Where practicable, members will offer military assistance to other members when it is required (subject to number 1 above)

  4. Be respectful to all and do not use language in General Chat that is likely to negatively impact the image of the alliance or any of its members



The Liberation is a co-operative alliance. Please consider other members in your actions.

Established players are encouraged to help newer players with advice, resources, magic etc. Please consider other members if you have a surplus of resources that could be utilised within the alliance.

Members who hold positions that are responsible for the production of advanced resources are expected to actively produce items for distribution within the alliance. Listing these items for sale is not acceptable


Current Roles and Responsibilities


Founder and Leader: Halliver the 3

Secretary of State: march99

Foreign Minister:  The Equalizer

Resource Manager:  Eldorin

Military Advisor: march9


We are a new alliance and further roles and responsibilities will be added if and when the leadership deem it necessary.


Grievance Procedure

Where a grievance exists between 2 or more members, any one or more of the parties may request arbitration from the alliance.

Where a grievance exists between a member and the alliance, the member should inform one of the alliance leadership upon which, the alliance will work with the member to achieve an amicable outcome.


Applying for Membership of The Liberation

Anyone who wishes to apply for membership of The Liberation should first see the section 'Membership' above and if they fulfill the criteria, make an application to any of the leadership team in the 'Roles and Responsibilities' section



