
Dark Empire [DARK]

Founded By:Mister E Founded On:23JUN11 11:13



The Dark Empire

" those times the great lords of the West fell under the spell of the the great priest wizard Thoth Amon and usurped the peace, bringing fear and death.
There arose a band of dark riders led by lesser nobles, priests, craftsmen, farmers and merchants to fight injustice.  They appeared out of the night, striking down the oppressors.  Word soon spread that these dark brothers acted in King Sigurd's name."
- The Dark Temple Chronicles, chapter 1



We accept all races and sizes. New members are required to have their cities in Dark's area in the west from north Kumala through The Western Realms, Fremorn, Tor Carrock, Keppen, and The Wastes. Parts of Lan Larosh are also acceptable. We specialize in helping new members move to Dark's area with all the resources and advice required. The move may be lengthy, but it is worth it both for protection and the ability to participate in alliance activities such as tournaments.
The Dark Empire is first and last a team. We have an excellent group of mature, fun people who work together and help each other to grow stronger and achieve our goals. When The Dark Empire marches, either in tournament or war, it marches as one. A Dark held tournament square or siege encampment is very rarely lost, because we are based together, we arrive together, we arrive in force and we arrive to stay.
Why should you join The Dark Empire?
Because we are one of the best alliances in Illyriad with some of the best people on Earth.
Our rules do not allow any attack, military or diplomatic, on any active player that we are not at war with. Attacking npcs is allowed.
A low alliance tax is in effect to be used in times of need. In Dark's history, very few members have been asked to leave or kicked out due to misconduct towards the alliance, our neighbors, or failing to meet our rules. We do not tolerate drama within the alliance, anyone who fails to do so, will be sieged.


All people settling near DARK players must settle atleast 10 Squares away, unless you contact them for permission.

For the Glory of the Dark Empire!




Sovereignty trumps all  when someone has claimed sovereignty on a square, it is theirs.


DARK considers all unoccupied and non-sovereign squares open for harvesting, regardless of location.




Generally, first to occupy the square, owns the square  exceptions below.



If any Dark player has occupied a square for over 1 year; automatically we claim sovereignty. Anybody who parks on these sqaures, will have their armies and harvestors killed without compensation.


We believe that every player in every alliance in Illyriad has the right to claim sovereignty on squares within 5 squares of their cities.


DARK  members  may ask a player occupying a square within 5 squares of  the DARK  member's city to remove occupying troops so that we can claim sovereignty, when the square is closer to the DARK city, than to the occupying player's city.


Our pledge to all Illyriad is that upon your request, DARK members  will reciprocally remove our occupying troops from within 5 squares of your cities when your city is closer to the square than our city is, to allow you to claim sovereignty.

Directly Stolen from WoT
