
Dragon Aerie [Aerie]

Founded By:Siren (Abandoned) Founded On:22DEC16 16:22








Dragon Aerie Alliance Image


The mists of time have shrouded and erased much of the history of the Dragon Aerie, but, my dear friend the origin is true, that part never changes. Only four it took to change the World. The Orc Warrioress Warghura, The Elfen Hunter Illisian, The Dwarf Miner Hevel Gravelhand and the Human Herbalist Arriana Fellgood came together to craft a weapon that the Orc would use to slay the Dragon Haverghast. They pored their skills into the crafting of the weapon, The Darkseeker Spear. Never before and never again has such a weapon been made. To this day all the races try to replicate a weapon even half as good as the Darkseeker but to no avail.
Into the mountians the four companions travelled, into the heart of the Dragon's territory to seek it out. On the summit of Mount Veska there was an incredible battle as Warghura fought Haverghast. At last the Dragon flew in for the kill, Warghura dropped to her knees, rolled to her back then plunged the Darkseeker into the heart of Haverghast. He crashed over the edge of the summit and crushed the peaks below in his death throes. The Darkseeker was gone, lost along with the body of Haverghast. The four companions made a pact that no matter what the future held, if darkness was to come the four races would align to protect the World once more. 
  And now we find ourselves at that very moment once again. Alliances, powerful and terrifying in their menace have risen up. Lands are being taken over, resources stripped as they fight for complete dominance. THIS is the hour of hope, the four races stand united. The Dragon Aerie does not look for control over others, does not stand for injustice, we do not fight for glory nor riches but unified in bravery against darkness.

Taken from the speech by Dandillo the Archer, at the City of Khurne, one hundred years ago, days before the outbreak of The Great War of the Empires.
The Year of Darkness

As written by Mortigern Grobberiss, Scribe and Scholar, Recorder of History.


We welcome new members!

Please read our profile first. If it appeals to you and our goals are also yours, please contact Cazbern or any member of our council

Dragon Aerie members are active, they use a cultivated language, they are cooperative and support each other. We value teamwork and respect other players, while we do not like aggressive attitudes and narrow-mindedness. The members of Dragon Aerie help each other with resources and all kinds of goods. We provide protection for each other, the alliance helps settling disputes within and outside of the alliance.


About Dragon Aerie

Dragon Aerie is a peaceful alliance. We do business, for example in trade, we explore raw materials, we do professional hunting and we study magic. We maintain an army and a diplomatic corps. We treat others peacefully, we do not attack, either militarily, through agents or with words. We expect the same from other players and their alliances. But do not be fooled, we are not weak. If you bully us , we will know how to defend ourselves.


Our Homeland

Although not a landclaim alliance we consider  Vindorel to be our homeland and protect our interests there.



Dragon Aerie is open to diplomatic arrangements. A Non-Agression-Agreement (NAP) can be signed with all alliances, which like us have a common interest in a peaceful coexistence. Please contact us before sending a NAP request.

The requirements for a Confederation are much higher. Our geostrategic views must be exchanged in detailed discussions.  The respective confed partners of the two alliances must be included. We expect the same from our Confed Partners if they intend to enter into further Confed Partnerships.


We adopt the 10-square rule, which prohibits any player from locating a city within the 10-square radius of a Dragon Aerie member. This rule can be negotiated between the two players involved.

However, settlement within 5 squares of an Dragon Aerie member is not negotiable and will face a forced exodus or termination. All Dragon Aerie members regard the 5-square radius of a city as sovereign property waiting to be claimed.



Any kind of diplomatic activity against one of our cities, be it by scouts, agents, saboteurs, thieves or assassins, will be considered an act of war and punished accordingly!

Any kind of military action in the 5 field radius around a Dragon Aerie town will be considered an act of war and punished accordingly.

