
MercenariesOfValyria [MoV]

Founded By:Vlad_Tepes Founded On:04JUL16 17:54



                                                       Second Sons



About MoV:

     We are a mercenary alliance comprised of second sons although our operations do extend beyond the usual PvP. While we do help with military operations we will also help with third-party negotiations as well as hunt for those who wish to craft but do not wish to have armies to do so. In order for us to help with any of the above-listed operations, you must set up a contract and please read below before attempting to.

     As MoV is a mercenary alliance our members are paid by the alliance and not the other way around. Starting pay for a new member who has not participated in a job is 50k per week. As you take jobs and gain seniority within MoV your pay will increase, however the pay increase does depend on the length of time in MoV and the difficulty of the job taken.


     1. For payment, we expect half of the negotiated price at the time of acceptance of contract and half after completion. If this is not followed the contract will not commence.

     2. Contracts may be paid for in either items or in gold, we do not accept favors or "protection".

     3. Anyone above the rank of Knight may accept a contract and begin its operations however anyone of the rank Bannerman or higher may cancel a contract and will refund any payment we have received.

     4. Contracts are subject to negotiation even after the time of finalization(on the side of the buyer of our services, we will not change a contract after it has been made).

     5. We claim the right to decline any contract for any reason.

Member Payment Info:

     Members will be paid weekly at a starting rate of 50k a week, and this rate will be raised as the member takes contracts and as their time in MoV grows longer. 

     Members will also receive a bonus after the completion of a contract based upon their participation and the worth of the contract.


     We are searching for players to join us. If you or a friend of yours would like to do one or more of the jobs below, then join today!

Attacking Towns:

     Do what any warrior loves to and get big rewards for it!

Trademanship (LIMITED):

     Mercenaries need stuff to build their armies, so it's always best to have someone that can supply loads of stuff!

Fighting NPCs:

     Don't feel quite ready to attack a player? Then get paid to attack a target that never attacks back.

Prestige Usage:

     We believe that prestige does greatly help with growing, so we allow members to use alliance prestige when they have shown their worth!


Ranks: Listed below are our ranks and the responsibilities that belong to them.

Lord Commander: Figurehead of the company and final decision maker. While the Bannermen lead day to day operations the Lord Commander sets goals and leads during times of war.

Bannermen: High ranking individuals who members swear to. Bannermen can lead their sworn members with the same authority as the Lord Commander.

Stewards: Members that are not sworn to a Bannermen yet give advice and assistance to all Bannermen if it is asked of them.

Knights: Members who has proven themself worthy of having their own squires and pages to lead into battle and train during times of peace.

Squires: Members whose bannermen believes they are ready to have more authority and begin helping train the pages underthem.

Pages: The beginning rank for those that join the alliance. Players will remain at this rank until they have been with MoV for a month.

Cannon Fodder: Being inactive for 14 days without telling the Council your reasons BEFOREHAND will get you put into this rank. We will either siege these towns or sell them. If you're interested in one of these towns, Contact anyone in the council(Bannermen and up).
