
The Disinherited [Disd]

Founded By:faTTyAciD Founded On:10FEB16 04:15





Let us Dare, Let us Venture, Let us Risk ...


Let us Prepare for Battle!



                                     Story of The Disinherited


The Lands were once ruled by a dynasty of cruel kings hell-bent on subjugating the Realms to their wicked whims, torture and corruption.

One year, a lunar eclipse sent the King and his closest advisors into a frenzy of paranoia. The Moon had always symbolized man's knowledge and understanding in times of utter darkness. To the Bishops and Clerics of the Realms, this seemingly Supernatural phenomenon was a bad omen.

The King, after decades of misdeeds ruling his people, lost his mind. He went mad with fear at the slightest suspicion and raged with envy at seeing even the subtlest of smiles.

This planetary event was about to shift the fate of his people, long suffering under his heavy hand.


Chaos controlled the Realms.


The King became obsessed with the doom of his empire and its demise. Legions of his possessed henchmen were sent to terrify the countrysides, unmercifully crushing the Realms to carry out its complete collapse once and for all.


Few escaped with their lives.


Rebel villagers, under the leadership of two local lords, bigrichman and KevinTheDestroyer, were left without choice but to seek refuge in a nearby House of Worship after the devastation brought by the King's evil men.

The small rebel party were hidden behind a secret wall and given sustenance by the town's local Cleric, slayerofall. During evening prayer he had a vision of a dragon flying into a desert, hunting giant birds that were carrying rebel flags in their claws.

Slayerofall, bigrichman and KevinTheDestroyer lead their followers to the edge of a vast desert landscape.


They were met by Valbona, a desert hardened orc who was on patrol hunting a pack of wolves that had been menacing skin harvesters belonging to Vanya, the Rebel Archbishop.

Vanya had recently slain a famous necromancer and stolen his mana, thereby increasing her magical powers tremendously. She became the most powerful Bishop in the Realms and fled to the desert, fearing for the safety of her people.

Crossing large sand dunes and craggy, iron peaks in the hot desert, Vanya and her people were close to death. At night Freya, a Rebel Bishop, saw a faint light emanating from the side of a small mountain in the dark distance.


Clearly there was life, even this far into the unknown- passed the boundaries of the known Realms.


Freya, a master elf scout, was sent to gather any resources that she could obtain. Using her uncanny ability to scout from far distances and from unseen places, she was able to see a female human hermit, living inside a cave. Freya could see the hermit's silhouette standing by a fire, her projected shadow shimmering above like a large black ghost floating in water on the cave wall.

The hermit hovered over runes scattered in the sand. She stopped and crouched down in the sand, then suddenly danced up into the air after seeing what must have been a sign, spoken from the runes that told her of great fortune on the horizon.

Leoralee was the hermit's name. She was a Grand Druidess who had been waiting for this moment ever since leaving her beloved oak grove to seek solice in the desert.

That night Vanya's followers ate stews of wild dog and chewed baked salamander skins until their stomachs could take no more.


Sitting around the fire, Leoralee told them of an old Druidic prophecy.

A rebel group would one day seek a new city of glory. A shining green cathedral, made of giant emerald crystals, would manifest for them in a small desert valley.




                                                               To be continued...


