
The Company [TheCo]

Founded By:Lance The Great Founded On:29JAN16 21:27



                                                    "Sans Pareil!"  






                                                THE COMPANY


We are the result of a merger between multiple Mercenary and Training Alliances: The Noble Houses of the Company! Every house is it's own government and presides over its own land and people. We bring our own customs and identity.


SforH: Soldiers For Hire: Tierce, Lance the Great

PSMC:  Phoenix Sword Military Company : Chryse, Fenarel and Oreleis 

Do you want to be known throughout Illyriad? Would you like to make more of yourself than being simply another cog in a wheel which drives others to glory; or would you like to achieve such glory for yourself? At The Company, your voice WILL be heard! Whatever you wish to excell at, we can help you launch yourchosen career into success! We are all shareholders here. We are all a part of something greater than ourselves. There is no SINGLE leader here. There are only many leaders coming together to create something wonderful and change the face of this world. Lets change the map. Forget "Land Claims" - we do not bother with those. We Claim Glory!


Multiple alliances have come together to become an even stronger alliance. Along with new Members who joined along the way, we make it our business to help newcomers learn all aspects of this game that we enjoy so much. The Company fights for those who pay, and those who cannot fight for themselves! Each member is expected to make a living & provide for themselves in whatever ways they see fit. However, we are always happy to help a new player find their way. We wish to share our knowledge; so that any new player can excell in whatever facet of the game they wish to. This summarizes our goal: whichever path a member chooses in this game, we want to help them be the best!

"Sans Pareil"- our alliance motto - translated directly from french means, "Without Equal". It is also a term which refers to the "best (or most elite) out of a group of many".


Our policy regarding settling respects the rule of 10 squares between cities.


In regards to harvesting, the ploicy of The Company is: "Any NPC or resources left unguarded is fair game. If an area is sovereign or claimed with an occupying force; we will respect such claims. If there IS no sovereignty, or no occupying army, then there IS no claim!" However, members are free to make agreements with their neighbors regarding hunting and harvesting; but our guidelines do not require any members to do so. We encourage friendly relationships with our members' close neighbors and respect any agreements they make. The much debated topic within the game of Illyriad is whether or not a player may request 10 squares surrounding their town as "their harvesting area" and request that others respect their 10 squares. The Company does not recognize the "5 square harvesting rule", and therefore, will not recognize the "10 square harvesting rule". These rules are simply made up. Something is only "against the rules" if the game does not allow you to do it. Plain and simple! If any of our direct neighbors wishes to have anything less than 5 squares around their town regarded as "their harvesting grounds", and our member agrees to these wishes, then we will respect this agreement. If a disagreement occurs regarding resources MORE than 5 squares from a neighboring town, we will NOT listen to the complaint. Take it up with your neighbor. Any issue involving resources more than 5 squares away from another city OR our cities will not be heard by our leadership. If a resource dispute is 5 squares or less distance from another player's town (or one of ours), we are willing to talk to our member to see if they are willing to come to an agreement. However, we cannot (and will not) force them to comply.

We actively seek players who wish to better themselves in their chosen field. The game of Illyriad offers many opportunities to become expert Traders, Crafters, Warriors, or even Mercenaries. We have leaders who excell in each of these fields and we invite you to learn the trades which were passed down to us! 

Trade Hubs (The Company uses)

  • Centrum
  • Dyadin Alliance Stockpile Hub (Arran Cluster Region)
  • Ellesmere Alliance Stockpile Hub (Lucerna Region "Newbie Cluster")







  • Current Confederation involving The Company: The Second Knights (Mercs)

  • Current NAPs: Wheel of Time (WoT), Hellfire (HELL), Republic of Free Cities (RoFC), The Exchange (X_C), Valar Dohaeris (White)



    Any player with a minimum of 450 population with the desire to:

    -Expand Illyriad game military, trading, or crafting abilities

    -Perform future mercenary work for gold & resources

    -*WANTED NOW* Any player wishing to learn, or already excells, in crafting abilities

    -*WANTED NOW* Any player wishing to learn, or already excells, in trading abilities

    -Contact Information



