
The Pirate Kings [YARR!]

Founded By:Jaxi (Abandoned) Founded On:28NOV14 04:26





Warriors, traders and crafters from foreign alliances come and go, plying their services throughout the seedy underbelly of Illyria, the alliances of the Pirate flotilla offer port for the weary sailor to guzzle ale, the tired warriors to break from combat and rest their feet, or the bankrupt trader to drown their sorrows in the never-ending rum...



The Legendary Pirate Hordes [YARR!] hail from all around the Broken Lands, fighting for glory and respect in world tournaments and events - during such times, membership priority is given to those participating in events


Through clever coin and sleight of hand, the Brokenland Cosairs [ARRR!] chase profit both in the regional hubs as well as the shady black markets. Well suited for supplying and offering direction, new Pirates are encouraged to start here.


From those tested in battle to the young bloods looking to make a name for themselves, Black Sails [WARR!] defend our lands and resources, while expanding Pirate territory



The core purpose of these alliances are to act as a Mutual Defense pact between members to protect against any unprovoked threats and ensure each member has a reasonable opportunity to grow unhindered. Beyond that, YARR!, ARRR!, and WARR! are each geared towards a different play style - Tournaments (YARR!), Trade/Training (ARRR!), and Strategy/PVP (WARR!) - to which members are free to move between alliances as they choose*




Free Eye-Patches and bottomless rum - Contact Anyone ranked Quartermaster or Above

- Contact our Navigators to find out which abandoned or inactive cities we've got available for capture.

Click Here to view our list of stocked Faction Hubs, or Contact Firestone to have any buy or sell offers massIGM'd throughout the flotilla

Contact Fell to buy or sell, multiple contractors available. Discounted and free terraforms available to members in select areas, inquire for details

- Whether you need the basic materials to grow your armies or the gear to equip them with, contact our Quartermasters for assistance.

Contact Dirk to arrange a flood of resources to be sent to your growing cities, for the purposes of prestige building. Free to Pirates, see profile for details.





YARR participates in most Tournaments throughout the year, fighting for and securing Totems across the Broken Lands to reap the benefits from their regional bonuses and enjoy friendly rivalries with neighboring alliances. We welcome Pirates and visitors alike to take part in the PVP, and only ask that the following guidelines be adhered to:
a) Any cities placed (exodus/teneral/settled) within 20 tiles of an Totem after the locations have been announced (24hrs before the start of an event) is considered to be an active combatant in the event, and is subject to any form of hostilities until the conclusion of the event, or until the city has been relocated (whichever occurs first).

b) Any Armies placed within 5 tiles of a Totem during an event will be viewed as 'scout armies', and thus considered combatants in the event and subject to attack under the umbrella of Tournament Play.

c) Other than the reasons detailed in (a) and (b) above, participation in a tournament and subsequent PVP is restricted to Totem locations ONLY.

d) Providing all above requirements have been met, Tournaments will NOT be used as a reason to war or otherwise engage in unpleasantries with other alliances. Once the event ends, so do the hostilities.

Next Tournament Begins 01 Feb 2023!

Past Events...
3rd Place - Winter 2022 Tournament
4th Place - Autumn 2022 Tournament
1st Place - Summer 2022 Tournament
3rd Place - Spring 2022 Tournament

1st Place - Winter 2021 Tournament
2nd Place - Autumn 2021 Tournament
1st Place - Summer 2021 Tournament
1st Place - Spring 2021 Tournament

??? Place - Winter 2020 Tournament
2nd Place - Autumn 2020 Tournament







The Pirate Code


I.) Every Pirate is a Captain to their own Ship

Members are free to interact with the Illriad world as the see fit, fully responsible for the gains and consequences of their own actions - this includes the repercussions of military or diplomatic aggressions, land claim violations, Global Chat rants or verbal assaults, personal histories/enemies, and most shenanigans that takes place outside our own Land Claims.

Alliance leadership will take additional efforts to guide newer players while they learn the social and mechanical game boundaries, but established/veteran members are largely left to their own devices unless requests are made to the contrary.


II.) Honor Amoung Thieves

Pirates are not permitted to engage in hostilities with other Pirates - this includes military or diplomatic aggression, poaching, or otherwise entering another Pirates 10-tile radius without permission.


III.) Everything has Value; Everything has Cost

Pirates are permitted to engage in minor military or diplmatic aggressions with other players or groups if they desire, though any campaigns involving multiple members against active and established players or alliances will be required to be handled in Black Sails [WARR!] or outside the Pirate Floatilla.

Unless the Diplomacy Page shows an ongoing war status, we consider these types of things to be a independent matters to be handled between the players themselves and without compulsory alliance assistance, so long as the Pirate involved can be shown to have been the provoker/aggressor in the situation.


IV.) Keep secure our most local Shipping Ports and Trade Routes

The Pirates participate in the Land Claims initiative.
We have laid claim to The Pirate Isles, The Orken Coast, Shardlands, and a portion of both The Long White and Jurgor.


Inactive towns may be razed or captured within the land claim, with or without the consent of the controlling alliance. Towns within the Land Claims permitted to be taken by players outside the alliance are expected to be in exodus to elsewhere within a reasonable timeframe after capture.

Anyone outside the Pirate Floatilla wishing to move within these borders must contact Eoqan The Elf for permission.


V.) To err is Human; To Arrr is to be a Pirate

While the Captains generally avoid direct intervention with the deck swabbing lower ranks, they do get together often to drink rum, discuss pirate business, and drink rum. If you have something you feel needs to be addressed at an alliance level, feel free to contact them so the matter can be discussed.



