
Curse of the Wolves [Curse]

Founded By:leeroy680 Founded On:13MAR10 18:45


In ancient times, when the lands of Illyriad were harsh and unforgiving, wolves roamed the earth, causing havoc all over. In their curiosity they were led to the Heart of Corruption, thinking they could disturb the corruption balance.

They paid the price. Instead of disappearing into nothingness, the Heart cursed them with eternal life and banished them to Meilla and adjacent areas. The days of free-roaming were over.

Trying to fight this curse, and forced to live far from the Heart of Corruption, they are limited in ways to seek the Heart and to break the curse. All diplomatic and military missions disappear, never to be heard from again.

One day, a confederated alliance, Goonies,  offered help in the everlasting struggle, connecting all mages, trying to overcome the defensive powers of the Heart of Corruption . . . the plan shattered into pieces. The Heart was so powerful that it duplicated the existing curse, transmuting all of the Goonies into the same faith and merging the two alliances into a whole.

Now the newly gained territory, together with a few outposts spread over Illyriad, may hold the key in the future to breaking the Heart of Corruption, freeing us of the Curse of the Wolves.


